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Grieving? Still?

  Hi!  Seperti biasa aku ingin menulis lagi di blog ini sebagai pelampiasan perasaan dan pemikiran yang kumiliki selama beberapa hari ataupun bulan. Rasanya banyak sekali yang sudah kulalui selama beberapa bulan ini di tahun 2024 yang cukup mengejutkan dan menyenangkan dalam waktu yang sama.  Hari Sabtu kemarin, aku dengan teman-temanku dari perfilman habis nobar dan diskusi bareng mengenai film berjudul "Manchester by the Sea" yang menceritakan bagaimana tokoh utama menghadapi depresinya dan rasa kehilangan yang ia punya setelah insiden tragis yang ia harus lalui. Itu mengingatkanku dengan pengalaman yang pernah kualami selama beberapa tahun yang lalu, terutama bagaimana harus mengahdapi rasa kehilangan yang terlalu lama terhadap orang-orang yang dicintai. Entah itu keluarga ataupun kerabat dekat, beberapa potongan scenenya cukup bikin aku terpikul karena betapa beratnya dan hampa dalam waktu yang sama. Bahkan dengan satu scene yang dikatakan oleh satu tokohnya, "I can&

girl power

let me tell you about a little story from a young me I mean like a kiddo me, Who has a girl power role model when me still a kiddo.

Hua Mulan

So, one of my favorite disney princess is actually Mulan. I watched the whole movie series. And of course I love the first one very much, I loved the scene where she learned to become a soldier while those men kinda underestimated her, and how she fights along with the trios to save the king.

faith connors

BUT the most biggest influenced that I got was actually Faith Connors from Mirror's Edge you probably already heard or haven't heard this game before in 2008-2009. It's very fun fps game like one of my favorite childhood game. Even though I KNOW I was like only 8 year old kid.

Who wants to play just because the main character who is a woman who's ready to kick some butt. I didn't even get any story point of it, like faith connors is the catalyst and the surveillance cameras and the new order.


That is it. I knew Mirror's edge while playing Mirror's Edge 2D on the internet, and I found out it's going to be release in 2009.

I was like "I'M GOING TO BUY THAT GAME SOON!" and so, I did buy it.

I became very tomboy after that, I learned pencak silat since it's also part of my school subjects in elementary school. I don't like wearing a skirt like really at all,

I joined sanda boxing and wushu while junior high school, I worked really hard because I'm so excited for it and enjoyed really much. Even though I was very thin but I have a lots of energy to do a physical work.

I don't know why either..

But now, I'm just a sloth like literally changed into a sloth. I have no idea why either and I'm still wondering where the heck is all of my energetic feeling to do some activities.
